Arabian Jasmine Essential Oil (Net Qty: 5 ml)
Jasmine has one of the most beautiful floral aroma which is intense, rich, heady, exotic, complex and is known to have very sensual and soothing effects on the mind. Pure natural jasmine essential oil is known to help release inhibitions, emotional repression and promotes self-love and joy in one’s life. The aroma of Jasmine is loved world over due to its amazing effect on the mind and used extensively in premium perfumery and skin care industry.
Key Properties
- Relieves Stress & Boosts Self Confidence – Jasmine has the ability to help you step into your power beyond your own self restricting inhibitions and emotional repressions. A number of times stress & anxiety can also come in the way of our confidence. Jasmine essential oil acts like an antidepressant to a mind that is caught up in negative thoughts.
- Has Skin Healing Properties – Jasmine essential oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, skin regenerating properties that make it an excellent addition to your skincare ritual. It is often used for dry, sensitive skin and for clearing complexion.
- Great addition to your massage oil – Using this essential oil diluted in a carrier oil for massaging tired and sore muscle can help relieve pain, spasms and post work out stiffness. Apart from this, using Jasmine Essential oil in your massage can be extremely relaxing and soothing.
- Helps connect to your sensuality & feminine aspect – Jasmine essential oil has an exotic and deeply calming aroma that helps us get out of our head and step into a feeling of flow and relaxation.
Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil is used very often used for connecting with their higher self. The essential oil is used to understand sexuality and release fears associated with intimacy, unworthiness, sexual trauma and having been used. This essential oil is used to help balance the functioning to the crown and the sacral chakra.
Blends well with: Lavender, Gerannium, Rose, Ylang Ylang
Suitable carrier oil to blend with: Jojoba